Reflecting on 2022 fills us with gratitude to the Lord and all of our faithful partners. Whether you gave of your time and / or dollars, God richly blessed our efforts in reaching more students with the Good News of Christ’s life-changing love for us.
Here is a very abbreviated list of some of what God did through Youth for Christ in Brainerd this year:
Many relationships were established at Gregory Park each week throughout the summer.
Hundreds of students attended our YFC BAY Rallies.
Dozens met weekly at Young Adults Fellowship.
The Core Leadership Experience students learned first-hand every aspect of youth ministry, including fund-raising.
The Dream Team (our youth council) continued the tradition of learning the ins and outs of event planning and intentionality in sharing the Gospel.
The Gospel was clearly shared at each of the monthly Outreach Parties.
The YFC Junction became a place where oodles and oodles of students gather every time the doors are open!
And so much more ….
We do not take your generosity lightly. Thank you! I am confident that God has blessed your gifts in 2022 and will continue to bless you as you give throughout 2023.
You are loved and appreciated!
Dale, Ben, Ibby and Micah.